Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fast Food Nation: Ch 4 Questions

1. From Wikipedia
In 2003, McDonald's was sued in a New York court by a family who claimed that the restaurant chain was responsible for their teenage daughter's obesity and attendant health problems. By manipulating food's taste, sugar and fat content, and directing their advertising to children, the suit argued that the company purposely misleads the public about the nutritional value of its product. A judge dismissed the case, but the fast food industry disliked the publicity of its practices, particularly the way it targets children in its advertising.Although further lawsuits have not materialized, the issue is kept alive in the media and political circles by those promoting the need for tort reform.
In response to this, the "Cheeseburger Bill" was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2004; it later stalled in the U.S. Senate. The law was reintroduced in 2005, only to meet the same fate. This law was claimed to "[ban] frivolous lawsuits against producers and sellers of food and non-alcoholic drinks arising from obesity claims." The bill arose because of an increase in lawsuits against fast food chains by people who claimed that eating their products made them obese, disassociating themselves from any of the blame.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fast Food Nation: Ch 3 Question

I think the fast food employees haven't unionized because most of the employees that attempt to unionize are usually dealt with high-priced attorneys or a lie detector test. Usually employees think they are getting short end with getting paid so this try to find a union. Soon after McDonald's higher-ups come and find them, and put them threw one on the following: Complete closure of a McDonald's location with out further investigation, Attorneys wound come do "Rap" sessions to let the employees know should open up to the manager (which has been replaced by a more experienced person, who's tells McDonald's everything), and lastly the lie detector tests which have lucky stopped. The Tactics they use, at first a calm approach after that doesn't work a full on attack from a closure and lie detector tests.   

Friday, November 18, 2011

Source 2: The Prison that won't go away.

  1.  To me this article was about Bush ignoring Guantanamo Prison and pushing it on Obama. Another thing happening in this article was torture happening in the prison and administration evading the topic in the prison, but finally Obama put a stopping on the torture
  2.  The Central Argument was getting rid of the inmates at Guantanamo, but no one wanted to deal with it because they torturing them and some were terrorist 
  3. The author who wrote this piece has an  unbiased approach to torture.